bodies (2012)

Abstract drawings. Ink on paper.
Inspired from studies on the human body.

The human body is only capable of sensing the world in a human way - our body determines what we are able to see... What we can see with our human eyes shapes what we can recognize with our human brain. Humans have always been surrounded by humans; thus, our brains have evolved the underlying "infrastructure" that allows us to be experts in recognizing human faces and human bodies. And indeed we do recognize ourselves in everything we see: If what I see invokes the memory of a human body, then I will recognize and see a human body. That is what makes the abstraction of human bodies possible in visual arts.

bodies, 2012

Untitled (bodies, 2012)

ink on paper, 24 x 32 cm

bodies, 2012

Untitled (bodies, 2012)

ink on paper, 24 x 32 cm

bodies, 2012

Untitled (bodies, 2012)

ink on paper, 24 x 32 cm

bodies, 2012

Untitled (bodies, 2012)

ink on paper, 24 x 32 cm

bodies, 2012

Untitled (bodies, 2012)

ink on paper, 24 x 32 cm

private collection